International Surrogacy Agency – Expert Guidance & Support

International Surrogacy Agency – Expert Guidance & Support

Navigating the complex world of surrogacy can be an overwhelming and emotional journey for intended parents. At Complete Surrogacy, our international surrogacy agency is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance every step of the way. We understand the unique challenges and considerations that come with pursuing surrogacy across borders, and our experienced team is committed to making your dream of parenthood a reality.


With a global network of trusted professionals, including renowned fertility clinics, experienced surrogates, and legal experts, we offer a seamless and personalized experience tailored to your specific needs. Our agency takes pride in upholding the highest ethical standards, ensuring a transparent and legally compliant process that prioritizes the well-being of all parties involved.

Additional Resources to Read:

Surrogacy for LGBT Couples: Your Path to Parenthood

Cheapest Countries for Gay Surrogacy

Gay Surrogacy in USA

Best Countries for Surrogacy in 2024

We believe that every family deserves the opportunity to experience the joy of parenthood. With our compassionate team by your side, you can trust that your dreams are in capable hands. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive international surrogacy services and take the first step towards building your family.

What is an International Surrogacy?

An international surrogacy involves intended parents from one country arranging for a surrogate mother to carry their child in another country. This cross-border arrangement is often pursued when surrogacy is legally restricted, unavailable, or more expensive in the intended parents’ home country.

Why Choose International Surrogacy

There are several reasons why intended parents may consider international surrogacy:

  1. Legal Restrictions: Some countries prohibit or heavily regulate surrogacy, making it difficult or impossible for couples or individuals to pursue this option domestically.
  2. Cost Considerations: The costs associated with surrogacy can vary significantly between countries, prompting some intended parents to seek more affordable options abroad.
  3. Availability of Surrogates: In certain regions, there may be a shortage of willing surrogates, leading intended parents to look for surrogates in other countries where the practice is more culturally accepted or economically viable.
  4. Access to Specific Treatments: Some countries may offer advanced reproductive technologies or specialized medical treatments that are not readily available or permitted in the intended parents’ home country.

International surrogacy typically involves a complex process that requires careful navigation of legal and ethical considerations. It often involves coordinating with international surrogacy agencies, fertility clinics, lawyers, and other professionals in multiple countries to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Key aspects of international surrogacy include establishing legal parentage, obtaining necessary travel documents and immigration clearances, and ensuring the well-being and rights of all parties involved, including the surrogate mother and the child.

While international surrogacy can provide opportunities for intended parents, it also raises concerns about potential exploitation, human trafficking, and the commodification of reproductive services. Ethical and legal frameworks vary significantly between countries, highlighting the importance of thorough research, professional guidance, and adherence to established best practices.

ISC is an international surrogacy agency that connects intended parents worldwide with our caring surrogates. Many face hurdles in their home countries to start a family with surrogacy. Our programs aim to make this path easier.

International Surrogacy Cost

It’s vital to know the costs of international surrogacy. You’ll need to pay agency fees, medical bills, and legal costs. These prices can add up quickly.

Here is table for cheapest countries for surrogacy:

Country Regulation & Organization Who are allowed to participate Surrogacy Cost Legal Assurance
Colombia Altruistic  Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Affordable


Mexico Altruistic  Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Affordable

$70,000 to $80,000

USA Commercial Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Costly


Ukraine Commercial Hetero couples Affordable


Georgia Commercial Hetero couples Affordable


Greece Altruistic  Hetero couples and single women Affordable




Breakdown of the Typical Costs

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost


The price of surrogacy abroad changes based on where you go and your situation. You might pay the surrogate, for IVF, and for legal services. Don’t forget about travel and the agency’s fees. Always get a detailed list of costs from your surrogacy agency.

Tips on Budgeting and Planning

Here are some tips for financial planning:

  1. Look at different surrogacy programs to find one that meets your financial needs.
  2. You could consider loans, crowdfunding, or special programs that finance surrogacy.
  3. Remember to include costs for traveling, places to stay, and any extra medical needs.
  4. Discuss payment timings with your surrogacy agency to prepare your finances.
  5. Factor in extra money for unexpected legal fees or issues.

Plan your finances well for your surrogacy journey. This lets you focus on the joy of expanding your family without worries.

What to Look for in an International Surrogacy Agency

Criteria to Consider When Choosing a Reputable Agency

When searching for the best surrogacy agency, think about these points:

  • Experience: Pick an agency with years of experience in the surrogacy world and a history of successful matches.
  • Success Rates: Inquire about the agency’s successes, including healthy births and happy intended parents.
  • Client Testimonials: Contact former clients and check their feedback to gauge the agency’s quality of service and assistance.

Importance of Transparency, Communication, and Support

Choosing the right international surrogacy agency is key to a successful journey. It’s more than finding a good fit for your family expansion. It’s about teaming up with people who will lead you through, offering constant support and ensuring all details are clear as you go through surrogacy.

At Complete Surrogacy, we focus on open and clear talks with our intended parents. We realize surrogacy can be hard, both emotionally and in terms of steps. That’s why we’re here to answer your questions and handle your worries.

Choosing us as your international surrogacy agency means having a dedicated, skillful team at your service. We work hard to turn your parenthood dreams into a beautiful reality.

Why Choose Complete Surrogacy Agency

  • Option of choosing multiple surrogacy destinations with 14+ Years of international surrogacy experience.  
  • Getting a chance to work with fertility clinics/agencies that are elite and have a proven track record with references from existing IPs.   
  • Option of choosing multiple egg donor options- Asian, Caucasian, African, Oriental, etc.  
  • All transparent financial transactions with affordability. You make a direct payment with no additional fee on top.  
  • No hidden agent fee or surprise cost later on.  All fees are paid directly as per the agreement signed with the service provider.  
  • Dedicated case manager to each IPs 
  • Honest, transparent, and quick communications. 
  • Assistance in all legal matters about visa and taking baby home process. 
  • Local support with access to all medical reports of egg donors and surrogate mothers. 
  • Assistance in all logistics of frozen sperm/embryo shipments.  
  •  If needed, we offer full concierge services to the intended parents. Our concierge support is a comprehensive, personalized service designed to support you through every stage of your surrogacy journey. 
  • Last but not least, we have years of experience in coordinating delicate surrogacy programs with great personal care.

 Additional Resources to Read:

Surrogacy in Georgia Country

How to find surrogate mother in Argentina

How to find surrogate mother in Georgia

Surrogacy in India


Are you considering surrogacy abroad or looking for international services? Maybe you need help with surrogacy plans that cross borders. Our team of experts offers personalized support for your journey. We know it’s not easy, but we promise to make it smooth and worry-free.

Let’s walk this life-changing path together. We’ll help you bring the happiness of parenthood into your world. With our strong commitment to your journey, we believe you can achieve your dream of a family. Start your path to parenthood with us today.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  Georgia Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families. 

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions.
For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- Complete Surrogacy.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families. Till now we have helped and supported thousands of the intended parents with their family-building journey, and we can help you as well.  Happy to share the references from the past IPs if needed. 

Mobile: +91-8800481100  ( WhatsApp, Line, Viber)  





FAQ for choosing International Surrogacy Agency

What is an international surrogacy agency?

An international surrogacy agency helps people worldwide with having a baby through surrogacy. They match parents with surrogates. Then, they support everyone through the entire process.

What services does an international surrogacy agency provide?

These agencies offer many services like finding a surrogate, dealing with legal matters, and coordinating medical care. They also provide counseling and support for parents and surrogates. This helps in handling the challenges of international surrogacy arrangements.

What are the benefits of working with an international surrogacy agency?

A reputable agency offers benefits including a wide network of surrogates, skilled legal and medical experts, and all-around support. They make international surrogacy easier, guiding you through the process smoothly.

Why choose international surrogacy over domestic surrogacy?

International surrogacy offers access to top medical facilities and a larger surrogate pool. Yet, challenges like language barriers and different cultures exist. It’s vital to review the benefits and issues thoroughly with the help of a trusted agency.

How much does international surrogacy cost?

The price varies greatly based on country, medical needs, legal costs, and agency fees. A good agency will be transparent about costs. They help you plan financially and may have suggestions for financing.

What should I look for in an international surrogacy agency?

Consider the agency’s experience, success stories, and client feedback. Transparency and support are crucial. A trusted agency will have a strong record of guiding successful surrogacy journeys.

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