Surrogacy in Argentina: A Complete Guide for Intended Parents

Surrogacy in Argentina: A Complete Guide for Intended Parents

Surrogacy is a growing choice for those who can’t have kids naturally. Argentina is a top pick for surrogacy due to its welcoming laws, low costs, and support for all family types.

In Argentina, a surrogate carries a pregnancy for the intended parents, using their or donors’ genetic material. This option is great for single parents, same-sex couples, and unmarried couples.

Argentina has recently become more open to surrogacy, creating a supportive legal and medical environment. This makes it a great choice for many.



Surrogacy in Argentina- An Overview 

Argentina has emerged as a beacon of hope for many intended parents seeking surrogacy options. With its progressive legal framework, affordable costs, and high-quality medical care, Argentina offers a unique combination of benefits that have propelled it to the forefront of international surrogacy destinations. 

This comprehensive guide aims to provide intended parents with a thorough understanding of the surrogacy landscape in Argentina, covering legal, financial, medical, and cultural aspects of the journey.

Surrogacy in Argentina involves a surrogate mother carrying a pregnancy for intended parents, using either their genetic material or that of donors. This process has become increasingly popular among diverse family types, including single parents, same-sex couples, and heterosexual couples, regardless of their marital status. 

The country’s relatively recent embrace of surrogacy has led to the development of a supportive legal and medical environment, making it an attractive option for many who dream of building their families.

More Resources to Read:

Surrogacy in Greece

Surrogacy in Mexico in 2024

Surrogacy in Ukraine

Surrogacy in Cyprus

Why choose us as best surrogacy agency in Argentina:

Surrogacy in Argentina


More Affordable Options

  • Argentina’s costs are low due to currency exchange rates.
  • It offers a quality, legal, and affordable option for all families.
  • It’s up to 70% cheaper than surrogacy in the US.

You can plan and Control your Budget

  • There are multi-transfer programs available.
  • There’s a secure plan with fixed-price fertility treatment for budget certainty.

Bilingual Support Team

  • The surrogacy support and legal team speaks English and Spanish.
  • Communication is easy throughout the process.

High-Quality Treatment/IVF/Prenatal care/Birth

  • There are modern reproductive medicine clinics.
  • Access to the latest assisted reproduction techniques.
  • Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT-A) is available.
  • Genetic carrier screening for inheritable diseases is done.
  • Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is offered during pregnancy.

Extensive Experience our surrogacy team

Large Egg Donor Pool

  • There’s a large group of egg donors with diverse physical characteristics.
  • This meets the needs of most intended parents.

Advanced Medical System

  • Argentina’s medical system is ranked as the best in South America.
  • Universal healthcare eligibility for all individuals.

Newborn Insurance Included

  • Surrogates and newborns are covered by insurance.
  • This helps manage risks and control the budget for potential complications.


Is Surrogacy Legal in Argentina?

The legal framework surrounding surrogacy in Argentina has undergone significant changes in recent years, creating a more secure and transparent environment for intended parents. Understanding this landscape is crucial for anyone considering surrogacy in the country. 

Surrogacy Legal experts

A landmark court ruling in 2017 in Buenos Aires confirmed the legal rights of intended parents via surrogacy. This ruling set a precedent that has been instrumental in shaping the current legal landscape. It established that intended parents, regardless of their marital status, sexuality, nationality, or genetic connection to the child, are to be recognized as the legal parents from the moment of birth.

Surrogacy in Argentina has changed a lot in recent years, especially after 2022. Before, there were no clear laws about surrogacy, which made things uncertain for intended parents.

Now, the laws have changed, making surrogacy legal in Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires. The courts there have supported surrogacy arrangements.

  • Surrogacy is now allowed in Argentina and is becoming more popular.
  • The process is legally recognized, allowing intended parents to be named on the baby’s birth certificate from birth.
  • A 2017 court ruling in Buenos Aires confirmed the legal rights of intended parents via surrogacy.
  • Intended parents, regardless of marital status, sexuality, nationality, or genetic connection to the child, are recognized as the legal parents.
  • Surrogacy in Buenos Aires is open to single parents and couples alike.
  • The legal framework in Buenos Aires ensures a safe and secure surrogacy process for all intended parents.

Legal Support in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is a key place for surrogacy because of its progressive laws. The city’s legal system recognizes the intended parents as the legal parents from birth. This is true for all, regardless of marital status, sexual orientation, or genetic connection to the child.

This recognition is key for intended parents to get their rights without long legal fights.

Aspect Details
Parental Rights Given from birth to all families, ensuring legal safety for intended parents.
Genetic Link Requirement Not needed; legal rights are given without a genetic tie to the child.
Location Specifics Strong legal support is found in Buenos Aires, making it a top choice for surrogacy in Argentina.


Parental Rights for All Family Types

Argentina’s approach to family structures is inclusive. It doesn’t require a genetic link between the child and parents. This means all families, like single parents, same-sex couples, and straight couples, are welcome. This has made Argentina a popular choice for international parents looking for a supportive surrogacy environment.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Argentina?


One of the most significant advantages of pursuing surrogacy in Argentina is the cost-effectiveness of the process. Understanding the financial aspects is crucial for intended parents planning their surrogacy journey.

Surrogacy Costs in Argentina

The total cost of surrogacy in Argentina typically ranges from $60,000 to $85,000. This comprehensive cost covers various aspects of the surrogacy process, from medical procedures to legal fees and surrogate compensation. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs:

Expense Category Estimated Cost Range (USD) Description
Medical Procedures $25,000 – $35,000 Includes IVF, embryo transfer, prenatal care, and delivery
Legal Fees $5,000 – $8,000 Covers contract drafting, legal counsel, and birth certificate procedures
Surrogate Compensation $15,000 – $20,000 Reimbursement for surrogate’s expenses and inconvenience
Agency Fees $10,000 – $15,000 Coordination, surrogate matching, and support throughout the process
Miscellaneous Expenses $5,000 – $7,000 Travel, accommodation, unexpected medical costs, etc.
Total Estimated Cost $60,000 – $85,000


It’s important to note that these costs can vary based on individual circumstances, such as the need for multiple IVF cycles or any complications that may arise during the pregnancy


Cost Comparison with Other Countries

To put these costs into perspective, let’s compare them with other popular surrogacy destinations:

Country Estimated Cost Range (USD) Notes
Argentina $60,000 – $85,000 Offers a balance of affordability and legal security
United States $150,000 – $300,000 Highest costs, but with established legal framework
Ukraine $40,000 – $65,000 Lower costs, but with more restrictive eligibility criteria
Georgia $50,000 – $75,000 Affordable, but with limitations for same-sex couples


As evident from this comparison, Argentina offers a middle ground in terms of cost. While not the cheapest option globally, it provides a significant cost advantage over countries like the United States, without compromising on legal security or medical quality.

The affordability of surrogacy in Argentina is partly due to favorable currency exchange rates and lower overall living costs in the country. 

However, it’s crucial to understand that the lower costs do not reflect a compromise in the quality of medical care or legal support. Argentina’s healthcare system is highly regarded, and the country has invested significantly in its reproductive medicine capabilities.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost


Advantages of Surrogacy in Argentina

Argentina’s surrogacy services are known for their high quality and affordability. The country’s healthcare system is well-regarded worldwide. This makes it a top choice for those looking to have a baby through surrogacy.

Parents-to-be can expect top-notch medical care in Argentina. This includes everything from IVF treatments to delivery. The cost is reasonable without compromising the health of the surrogate or the baby.

The surrogacy process in Argentina starts with a consultation. This meeting is often set up by a surrogacy agency or fertility clinic. It’s a chance for parents-to-be to talk about their needs and any worries they have.

They’ll also learn about the legal and financial aspects of surrogacy. This helps them understand what to expect.

Next, finding a surrogate and an egg donor is the focus. Surrogates go through a thorough screening to make sure they’re fit for the job. Parents-to-be can pick from a wide range of donors, including those from different ethnic backgrounds.

Selection Process Details
Surrogate Screening Medical and psychological evaluations to ensure fitness for surrogacy.
Egg Donor Options Available from diverse ethnic backgrounds; important for matching desired traits.
Compatibility Checks Ensuring a good match between the surrogate, donor, and intended parents’ expectations.


Legal contracts are a key part of the process. They outline everyone’s rights and responsibilities. This ensures the surrogacy arrangement is legally sound, and the parents’ rights are protected.

After the contracts are signed, the medical part starts. This includes IVF and transferring embryos to the surrogate’s uterus. Success depends on the embryo quality and the surrogate’s health.

  • Pregnancy Monitoring and Support

During pregnancy, the surrogate gets full medical care to keep her and the baby healthy. 

She has regular check-ups, ultrasounds, and other tests to track the baby’s growth. The intended parents often join these appointments, either in person or by video call, to stay involved.

  • Delivery and Post-Birth Procedures

When the baby is almost here, plans are made for delivery. Argentina’s hospitals are ready to handle the birth safely. After the baby is born, the legal steps are taken to put the intended parents‘ names on the birth certificate. 

Then, the parents can start their journey of bringing their child home, either in Argentina or elsewhere.

Why Gay Surrogacy in Argentina?

LGBT Surrogacy in Argentina: A Growing Trend Among Same-Sex Couples

Argentina is becoming a top choice for LGBT surrogacy, especially for gay couples wanting a biological connection to their child. Several reasons make Argentina appealing:

  • Cost-Effective Surrogacy Programs: Surrogacy here is much cheaper than in the US, costing less than half as much. It still offers legal security and reliability. Guaranteed surrogacy packages are also more affordable than in many Western countries.
  • Legalization and Inclusivity: Argentina is known for its support of LGBTQ+ rights, having legalized same-sex marriage and ensuring equal rights. This supportive legal environment makes it welcoming for gay couples starting their surrogacy journey.
  • Surrogacy Laws: Argentina doesn’t have specific surrogacy laws but allows these arrangements for all parents, regardless of their sexual orientation. This openness gives gay couples a chance to build their families through surrogacy.
  • Altruistic Surrogacy Model: Surrogacy here is based on altruism, where the surrogate only gets paid for her expenses. This approach is appealing to gay couples who value the ethical treatment of the surrogate.
  • Affordable and Accessible Surrogacy: Surrogacy in Argentina is more accessible due to its lower costs compared to Western countries. The combination of affordability and quality medical care makes it a good choice for gay couples.
  • Supportive Agencies: Many agencies and clinics in Argentina focus on helping LGBTQ+ individuals and couples. They offer support and guidance, understanding the unique challenges gay couples face during surrogacy.
  • Argentinian Citizenship for the Baby: Babies born through surrogacy in Argentina can get citizenship and a passport. This makes it easier for the parents to travel with their newborn to their home country.
  • Parental Rights Recognition: In Buenos Aires, a class action has legally recognized intended parents as the child’s legal parents. This means gay couples have the same rights and responsibilities as heterosexual couples, including both names on the birth certificate without a court order.

In summary, Argentina offers legal support, affordable costs, and quality medical care, making it a great choice for gay couples wanting to become parents through surrogacy.

gay couple

International Surrogacy in Argentina

  • Argentina as a Global Surrogacy Hub

Argentina is becoming a top choice for surrogacy worldwide. It offers legal support, affordable costs, and quality medical care, attracting parents from around the globe. 

Parents from countries with strict surrogacy laws find Argentina a welcoming alternative.

Legal Considerations for International Parents

Argentina has a supportive legal setup for surrogacy, but international parents face extra legal hurdles. They need to make sure the surrogacy is legal in their home country. They also need to get citizenship for the child and understand immigration rules.

It’s crucial for parents to work with skilled lawyers. These lawyers can help them through these complex issues.

Legal Considerations Details
Recognition in Home Country Ensuring the surrogacy arrangement is legally recognized in the intended parents’ home country.
Citizenship and Immigration Securing citizenship for the child and understanding the immigration process.
Legal Expertise Required Working with experienced legal professionals to navigate international surrogacy complexities.


Securing Citizenship and Travel Documents for Your Child

Getting citizenship and travel documents for the child is key in international surrogacy. The process varies by country but usually includes registering the birth, getting a passport, and applying for citizenship. 

Argentina’s laws support the intended parents as the child’s legal parents. This makes getting the documents needed easier.


Advantages of Choosing Argentina

Argentina offers several distinct advantages for intended parents considering surrogacy. Understanding these benefits can help in making an informed decision about pursuing surrogacy in this South American nation.

  1. Surrogacy Cost-Effective: One of the most significant advantages of choosing Argentina for surrogacy is the cost. Surrogacy programs in Argentina can be up to 70% less expensive than similar services in the United States. This cost-effectiveness doesn’t come at the expense of quality; rather, it’s a reflection of the lower cost of living and favorable exchange rates. For many intended parents, this makes surrogacy a more accessible option financially.
  2. High-Quality Healthcare: Argentina’s healthcare system is ranked as one of the best in South America. The country has invested heavily in its medical infrastructure, particularly in the field of reproductive medicine. Many fertility clinics in Argentina are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly trained professionals, ensuring that intended parents and surrogates receive top-quality care throughout the process.
  3. Legal Security for all family types:  The legal framework for surrogacy in Argentina, particularly in Buenos Aires, provides a high degree of security for intended parents. The recognition of intended parents’ rights from birth, regardless of their marital status, sexual orientation, or genetic connection to the child, offers peace of mind that is not always available in other surrogacy destinations.
  4. Inclusive Policies: Argentina’s surrogacy laws an accept all family types, so singe males, single females, gay couples, married hetero couples, and not married couples can do surrogacy in Argentina. 


More Resources to Read:

Infertility Treatment and Surrogacy Process

9 Factors To Improve IVF Pregnancy Rate

International Surrogacy Options Worldwide

Surrogacy Guide for Surrogate Mothers



Surrogacy in Argentina is a great choice for many. It’s affordable, has legal support, and welcomes all families. Whether you’re single, a same-sex couple, or a traditional couple, Argentina is a supportive place to start a family. 

With a strong legal system, good medical care, and a focus on inclusivity, Argentina is becoming a top choice for surrogacy.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at Georgia Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.


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FAQs for surrogacy in Argentina

Is surrogacy legal in Argentina? 

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Argentina. The country supports intended parents, especially in Buenos Aires.

How do intended parents find surrogate mothers in Argentina? 

Parents can find surrogate mothers through trusted agencies or clinics with databases of screened surrogates.

What is the cost of surrogacy in Argentina? 

Surrogacy in Argentina costs between $60,000 and $80,000, depending on the services and arrangements.

Is commercial surrogacy legal in Argentina? 

No, Argentina only allows altruistic surrogacy. Surrogates are reimbursed for expenses, not paid a salary.

Which country is the cheapest for surrogacy? 

While some countries like Georgia and Ukraine might be cheaper, Argentina offers a good balance. It has legal protections and welcomes all families.

Thinking about surrogacy? Argentina might be the best place to start. 


Contact us today for a free consultation and begin your journey to building your family.


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