Surrogacy in Colombia: A Comprehensive Guide for Intended Parents

Surrogacy in Colombia: A Comprehensive Guide for Intended Parents

Surrogacy in Colombia has gain lots of popularity in the last 5 years and it is due to affordable surrogacy cost and explicit legal framework. The dream of building a family is powerful, and for some intended parents, surrogacy offers a beautiful path to parenthood. As surrogacy becomes increasingly recognized and regulated worldwide, Colombia has emerged as a popular destination for couples and individuals seeking this option. This blog post aims to be your one-stop resource for navigating surrogacy in Colombia, providing clear information on legal aspects, costs, advantages, and considerations for a successful journey.

Surrogacy in Colombia: Legal Aspects

Colombia stands out for its legal framework that supports surrogacy. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  • Legality: Surrogacy in Colombia is legal, based on the principle of assisted reproduction enshrined in the Constitution.
  • Type of Surrogacy: Only gestational surrogacy is permitted, where the surrogate mother has no genetic link to the baby.
  • Intended Parents: Surrogacy is open to heterosexual couples, same-sex couples, and single individuals under the age of 55.
  • Court Approval: A straightforward legal process establishes parentage for the intended parents after birth.

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Surrogacy Mother in Mexico

Who can do surrogacy in Mexico?

All family’s types can do surrogacy in Mexico:

  • Single parents
  • Gay couples
  • Hetero married couples
  • Not married hetero couples 

Cost of Surrogacy in Colombia

The surrogacy in Colombia cost in between $65,000 to $70,000 based on the types of services you need, egg donor requirements and also based on the surrogacy agencies in Mexico and surrogacy clinics in Mexico.

Compared to some other destinations, Colombia offers a more affordable approach to surrogacy. However, it’s essential to understand the cost structure:

Table: Estimated Cost of Surrogacy in Colombia


Item Average Cost Range (USD)
Medical Expenses (fertility treatments, prenatal care, delivery) $30,000 – $40,000
Legal Fees $5,000 – $10,000
Surrogate Compensation (expenses, not payment for carrying the baby) $10,000 – $15,000
Agency Fees (matching services, program management) $15,000 – $20,000
Total USD $65,000 – USD $80,000


Factors Affecting Cost: The choice of surrogacy program (traditional vs. guarantee), additional services (egg donation, psychological counseling), and unforeseen medical complications can influence the total cost.

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost

Pros and Cons of Surrogacy in Colombia



  • Legally Secure: Colombia’s established legal framework provides security and clarity for intended parents.
  • Affordable Option: Compared to other destinations, surrogacy costs in Colombia can be significantly lower.
  • Open to LGBTQ+ Couples: Colombia embraces inclusivity, allowing same-sex couples and singles to pursue parenthood through surrogacy.
  • Experienced Professionals: The country boasts qualified medical professionals and experienced surrogacy agencies.



  • Cultural Differences: Navigating a different culture and language may require additional planning and support.
  • Travel Requirements: Intended parents may need to make multiple trips to Colombia for medical procedures and legal processes.
  • Limited Commercial Aspect: Surrogacy arrangements are altruistic, meaning the surrogate receives compensation for expenses, not payment for carrying the baby.


Pros of surrogacy in Colombia Cons of surrogacy in Colombia
Legally Secure: Colombia’s established legal framework provides security and clarity for intended parents. Cultural Differences: Navigating a different culture and language may require additional planning and support.
Affordable Option: Compared to other destinations, surrogacy costs in Colombia can be significantly lower. Travel Requirements: Intended parents may need to make multiple trips to Colombia for medical procedures and legal processes.
Open to LGBTQ+ Couples: Colombia embraces inclusivity, allowing same-sex couples and singles to pursue parenthood through surrogacy. Limited Commercial Aspect: Surrogacy arrangements are altruistic, meaning the surrogate receives compensation for expenses, not payment for carrying the baby.
Experienced Professionals: The country boasts qualified medical professionals and experienced surrogacy agencies.


Gay Surrogacy in Colombia

Yes, gay surrogacy or LGBT surrogacy is allowed in Colombia.  Colombia is a beacon of hope for LGBTQ+ individuals and couples yearning to build families. The legal framework explicitly allows same-sex couples and singles to access surrogacy. Many surrogacy agencies in Colombia cater specifically to the needs of LGBTQ+ intended parents, offering culturally sensitive support and guidance throughout the journey.

Over the last few years, Colombia has become the best country for gay surrogacy due to liberal and open reproductive laws for same-sex parents.  The reproduction right and adoption right for LGBT society is same as hetero couples. 

The cost of gay surrogacy is lowest with legally secure options, due to which Colombia has become best countries for surrogacy.  However, due to increase number of intended parents, it is common to find waiting list in the surrogacy agencies and in surrogacy clinics in Colombia Bogota. 

Surrogate mother requirements in Colombia 

In Colombia, there are specific criteria a woman must meet to qualify as a surrogate mother. Here’s a breakdown of the eligibility factors:


  • Age: Typically, potential surrogate mothers in Colombia fall within the range of 25 to 40 years old. This age range is considered optimal for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Medical History: Thorough medical evaluations ensure the surrogate’s physical well-being to carry a pregnancy safely. This may include examinations, fertility assessments, and confirmation of good overall health.
  • Past Births: Ideally, a surrogate mother should have given birth to at least one healthy child of her own. This demonstrates her experience with pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood.
  • Financial Stability: Some surrogacy agencies in Colombia may have criteria related to the surrogate’s financial stability. This helps ensure she is not entering the arrangement out of financial desperation, but rather from a genuine desire to help others build a family.
  • Psychological Evaluation: Mental health assessments ensure the surrogate’s emotional well-being throughout the surrogacy process. Emotional stability is crucial for a healthy pregnancy journey.

Additional Considerations:

  • Lifestyle: While specific rules may not be outlined, a healthy lifestyle that avoids smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or recreational drugs is generally preferred for a surrogate mother.
  • Commitment: Surrogacy requires dedication and commitment throughout the pregnancy. The ideal surrogate mother understands the physical and emotional demands involved and is prepared to prioritize the well-being of the baby.


Who is Not Eligible?

While the specifics may vary by agency, women with certain health conditions or a history of complicated pregnancies may not be eligible to become surrogates. Additionally, Colombia prohibits commercial surrogacy, meaning the surrogate receives compensation for expenses incurred during the pregnancy, not payment for carrying the baby itself.

Surrogate Mother Process in Colombia

Finding a surrogate mother in Colombia involves a careful selection process conducted by reputable surrogacy agencies. Here’s a glimpse into what to expect:

  • Surrogate Requirements: Potential surrogates undergo thorough medical and psychological evaluations to ensure their physical and emotional well-being throughout the process.
  • Matching Process: Agencies match intended parents with compatible surrogates based on preferences and medical history.
  • Legal Agreements: A comprehensive legal contract outlining the rights and responsibilities of all parties is established before proceeding.
  • Ongoing Support: Surrogacy agencies provide invaluable support to both intended parents and surrogate mothers throughout the pregnancy journey.


Finding a Surrogate Mother in Colombia

The process of finding a surrogate mother in Colombia involves careful selection and collaboration with a reputable surrogacy agency. 

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect:

  1. Choosing a Surrogacy Agency:
  • Conduct thorough research online, verifying the agency’s legitimacy through Colombian authorities and memberships in recognized surrogacy organizations.
  • Look for the best surrogacy  agencies in Colombia with proven experience in successful surrogacy journeys, positive client testimonials, and a commitment to ethical practices.
  • Schedule consultations with different agencies to assess their communication style, support services, and success rates.
  1. Agency Matching Process:
  • Once you choose an agency, discuss your preferences and expectations for a surrogate mother. This may include age range, medical history, lifestyle habits, and any personality traits you find important.
  • The agency will utilize their pool of pre-screened surrogate candidates to identify potential matches based on your needs and preferences.
  1. Surrogate Screening and Evaluation:
  • Potential surrogates undergo comprehensive medical and psychological evaluations to ensure their physical and emotional well-being throughout the pregnancy.
  • This may include physical examinations, fertility assessments, mental health evaluations, and background checks.
  1. Getting to Know Each Other:
  • Reputable agencies facilitate communication between you (the intended parents) and potential surrogates through meetings or video calls.
  • This allows you to get to know each other, ask questions, and build a foundation of trust for the journey ahead.
  1. Legal Agreements and Support:
  • The surrogacy agency will draft a thorough legal contract outlining the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved (intended parents, surrogate mother, egg donor, if applicable).
  • A qualified lawyer will review and explain the agreement before signing.
  • Throughout the process, the surrogacy agency offers ongoing support to both the intended parents and the surrogate mother, ensuring clear communication and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Additional Tips:

  • Be upfront and transparent about your expectations and preferences during the matching process.
  • Consider cultural sensitivity when communicating with potential surrogates and agency staff in Colombia.
  • Ask questions and clarify any doubts you may have throughout the journey.

By partnering with a reputable surrogacy agency and actively participating in the selection process, you can increase your chances of finding a compatible and qualified surrogate mother in Colombia.

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Surrogacy in Colombia presents a compelling option for intended parents seeking a legal, affordable, and inclusive path to parenthood. Understanding the legalities, costs, and considerations can empower you to make informed decisions. If you’re considering surrogacy in Colombia, thorough research and professional guidance from reputable surrogacy agencies are crucial.

We have been assisting intended parents with international surrogacy for 14 years and are expert in assisting the IPs for their surrogacy abroad.  We can help you find the best countries of surrogacy with affordable cost and reliable service providers.

Get in touch for a free consultation. 

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  Georgia Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families. 

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- Complete Surrogacy.

More reference:


Question about surrogacy in Colombia

Is surrogacy legal in Colombia for foreigners?

Yes, surrogacy in Colombia is legal for foreigners. The Colombian constitution guarantees equal rights for citizens and foreigners regarding civil matters. This includes access to assisted reproductive technologies like surrogacy.


What are the requirements to become a surrogate mother in Colombia?

To become a surrogate mother in Colombia, a woman must typically be:

* Between 25 and 40 years old

* Have given birth to at least one healthy child of her own

* Undergo thorough medical and psychological evaluations

* Meet financial stability criteria


Can I choose the sex of my baby through surrogacy in Colombia?

No, sex selection for non-medical reasons is not permitted in Colombia. This is to prevent any gender discrimination practices.


What are the travel requirements for surrogacy in Colombia?

Intended parents will likely need to make multiple trips to Colombia throughout the surrogacy process. Consultations, medical procedures (IVF, embryo transfer), and legal processes may require your physical presence in the country.


How long does the surrogacy process take in Colombia?

The surrogacy journey in Colombia can take anywhere from 18 to 24 months, depending on various factors. Matching with a compatible surrogate, medical procedures, and legal finalization all contribute to the timeline.


What are some reputable surrogacy agencies in Colombia?

We cannot provide specific recommendations within this blog post. However, a thorough online search with verification through relevant Colombian authorities is crucial. Look for agencies with proven experience, positive testimonials from past clients, and memberships in reputable surrogacy organizations.


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