Surrogacy in India for OCI Holders(2025)

Surrogacy in India for OCI Holders


One of the most common question we ask from the intended parents, if surrogacy in India is allowed for OCI holders? Yes, Surrogacy for Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Holders is Permissible under Current Indian Surrogacy Laws if they are fulfilling all other eligibility criteria of surrogacy. 


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Surrogacy Regulations in India

Understanding the legal framework surrounding surrogacy in India is crucial. Regulations oversee surrogacy arrangements, and being well-informed about the legalities ensures a smooth and legally compliant process. Only altruistic surrogacy is allowed in India as of now. 

Altruistic Surrogacy Costs in India

Comprehending the expenses involved in surrogacy is essential for prospective parents. This guide provides detailed insights into the cost of altruistic surrogacy in India, prioritizing ethics and legality for informed decision-making.

What is typical Surrogacy timeline ?

Surrogacy Timeline for IPs


The surrogacy process takes 18 months to 24 months depending upon the individual circumstances 

Outlines the surrogacy process timeline for intended parents:

Stage Description of Stage Duration
Research Phase Explore family building options and decide on surrogacy. Personal timeframe
Consultation and Application Choose a surrogacy agency, sign agreement, and start embryo creation (if needed). 1-3 Months
Matching Agency finds and presents potential gestational carriers. Meet and decide on a match. 3-6 Months
Medical Screening and Contracts Carrier undergoes medical and psychological screening. Sign surrogacy contract. 1-2 Months
Embryo Transfer Prepare for embryo transfer. Success may take multiple attempts. 1-1.5 Months
Pregnancy Gestational carrier’s pregnancy, approximately 40 weeks. 9-10 Months
Birth and Postpartum Baby’s birth, establish parental rights, and postpartum period. 1.5-3 Months


Please keep in mind that the durations mentioned in the table are approximate and can vary depending on individual circumstances and other factors. Always consult with a reputable surrogacy agency or professional to get personalized guidance throughout the surrogacy journey.


Understanding Altruistic Surrogacy

Altruistic surrogacy, a selfless act, offers hope for couples unable to conceive traditionally. Governed by the Surrogacy Law of 2021 in India, altruistic surrogacy prioritizes the well-being and emotional connection between surrogate mothers and intended parents.

Eligibility for Altruistic Surrogacy in India

Specific eligibility criteria are outlined in the Indian Surrogacy Law for both prospective parents and surrogate mothers. To seek surrogacy services:

For Prospective Parents:

  • You must be a married couple.
  • The male partner should be aged between 26 and 50, while the female partner should be aged between 23 and 50.
  • A medical professional’s infertility certificate is required to establish inability to conceive.

For Surrogate Mothers:

  • Surrogate mothers should genuinely intend to carry a child for another couple without financial gain.
  • They must meet age and marital status requirements and should already be mothers themselves, demonstrating maternal experience and mental strength.
  • Certificates of physical and mental fitness are mandatory to ensure their well-being.

Approval Process for Surrogacy in India 

The Indian Surrogacy Act of 2021 outlines a meticulous approval process to ensure ethical surrogacy procedures:

Submission of an application to the National Surrogacy Board, including the surrogate mother’s medical and family history and a medical fitness certificate.

Surrogacy centers play a crucial role in facilitating the surrogacy agreement and coordinating medical procedures.

Once approved, intended parents can embark on their journey towards parenthood with the support of a recognized surrogacy center.

More Resources to Read:

Guaranteed Surrogacy in Georgia

How Does Gestational Surrogacy Work in Georgia? Step-by-step Guidance

Surrogacy Cost in Georgia

Surrogate Mother Cost in Georgia

OCI and Surrogacy in India

Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) allows foreign citizens of Indian origin to live and work in India indefinitely. Only Indian citizens and OCI cardholders are permitted to pursue surrogacy in India. The process for OCIs involves certain criteria and permissions from relevant authorities.

Current Surrogacy Process in India

The basic surrogacy steps include:

  • Intended parents’ eligibility assessment.
  • Legal documentation preparation with guidance from legal teams.
  • Obtaining necessary certificates and court orders.
  • Surrogate verification and preparation for the IVF process.
  • Antenatal care and coordination of delivery.
  • Closure of the surrogacy process post-delivery.


Requirements for OCI/PIO Cardholders

OCI/PIO cardholders must fulfill specific criteria for surrogacy in India, including marriage duration, embassy letters, responsibilities towards the child, treatment at registered ART clinics, and duly notarized surrogacy agreements.


Why Choose Complete Surrogacy for Surrogacy in India for OCIs and NRIs

IVF Conceptions offers a comprehensive and transparent surrogacy experience, with over 14 years of international surrogacy expertise. Benefits include selecting from multiple surrogacy destinations, working with elite fertility clinics/agencies, transparent financial transactions, dedicated case managers, and legal assistance.

Costs for Surrogacy in India

The total surrogacy package cost in India typically ranges from 20 to 25 lakh rupees, covering IVF treatment, surrogate fees, agency/clinic fees, legal fees, other costs, and legal approvals.

Cost Considerations for altruistic surrogacy in India- The cost of surrogacy in India is relatively affordable, typically ranging from 20 to 25 lakh rupees. This inclusive cost covers various components such as IVF treatments, surrogacy fees, agency/clinic charges, legal expenses, and miscellaneous costs like medical insurance and embryo storage/shipment.

Costs for Surrogacy in India with a breakdown of services.

Surrogacy Cost Component Typical surrogacy Price in India What’s Covered
IVF Treatment 1.5 – 2.5 lakh rupees per cycle (most couples need 2 cycles) Includes medical procedures and medications for egg retrieval and fertilization
Surrogacy Fees 4 – 8 lakh rupees Compensation to the surrogate mother
Agency/Clinic Fees 1 – 2.5 lakh rupees Professional fees for surrogacy agency or fertility clinic handling arrangement
Legal Fees 50,000 – 100,000 rupees Lawyer’s fees for drafting contracts between parties
Other Costs 1 – 2 lakh rupees Cover additional expenses like medical insurance, embryo storage/shipment, screening tests
Legal approvals 4- 6 lakh rupee The cost of legal approvals and compliance and NOCs before starting medical procedure.


So, the total Surrogacy packages cost in India is 20 – 20 lakh rupees. 



In summary, while surrogacy for OCI cardholders is legally permitted in India, navigating the intricate regulations and processes requires diligence and guidance from experienced surrogacy professionals and fertility clinics.

Surrogacy for OCI holders in India involves a thorough understanding of legal requirements, eligibility criteria, approval processes, and associated costs. IVF Conceptions offers comprehensive support and guidance throughout the surrogacy journey, ensuring a seamless experience for intended parents. For personalized assistance and consultations, prospective parents are encouraged to contact IVF Conceptions to explore their options further.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  Georgia Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families. 

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- Complete Surrogacy.

More reference:


Frequently Asked Questions for OCI Surrogacy in India


Can foreign couples pursue surrogacy in India? 

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs’ circular no. 25022/74/2011-F.1(Vol. III) dated November 3, 2015, Indian missions do not currently issue visas to foreign nationals, including Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) cardholders, for the purpose of commissioning surrogacy in India. At present, only Indian citizens are permitted to undertake surrogacy within the country.

What are the surrogacy regulations for OCI cardholders? 

As per the aforementioned MHA circular, Foreigners Regional Registration Offices (FRROs) and Foreigners Registration Offices (FROs) are not authorized to grant permission to OCI cardholders to commission surrogacy in India. Additionally, these offices do not provide exit permission for babies born through surrogacy to foreign nationals, including OCI cardholders. However, for cases where surrogacy was already commissioned before the circular’s issuance, exit permissions may be granted on a case-by-case basis by FRROs/FROs.

Is surrogacy allowed for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) in India? 

Yes, NRIs who hold Indian passports are eligible to pursue surrogacy in India. However, if they hold an Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) or Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) status, it is advisable to consult a case manager to discuss their specific situation.

Can OCI cardholders access surrogacy services in India? 

Yes, OCI cardholders can avail surrogacy services in India. They are permitted to come to India for commissioning surrogacy without requiring a separate medical visa. However, they must obtain special permission from the concerned Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) before proceeding with the surrogacy process. It is crucial to verify eligibility as per the new surrogacy regulation bill dated December 2021.

Are NRIs eligible for surrogacy in India? 

Yes, NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) can opt for surrogacy in India. The rules and regulations governing surrogacy for NRIs are similar to those applicable to OCI cardholders.

Who is ineligible for surrogacy in India? 

Under the current regulations, foreign nationals who are neither OCI cardholders nor NRIs may not be eligible for surrogacy in India. Additionally, even for Indian citizens, OCI cardholders, and NRIs, certain eligibility criteria must be met, such as being in a sustained marital relationship.

Is surrogacy legal for Indian citizens in India? 

Yes, surrogacy is legal in India for Indian citizens. However, the Indian government has implemented stricter regulations over the years to prevent commercial surrogacy and safeguard the rights of surrogate mothers. As of September 2021, Indian citizens can still opt for surrogacy in India, provided they comply with the prevailing legal guidelines and meet the specified circumstances.

Can Indian parents pursue surrogacy in India? 

Surrogacy for Indian parents is possible in India, but each case is evaluated individually. It is advisable to consult with surrogacy experts to discuss your specific situation and eligibility.

What is cost of surrogacy in India?

The cost of surrogacy in India varies depending upon the location, fertility clinics, and number of services needed.  However, the typical surrogacy cost in India is in the range of $20 lacs to 30 Lacs INR. 

What is surrogate mother cost in India?

Only altruistic surrogacy is allowed in India, but surrogate mother in India can get reimbursement of the actual medical expenses. 

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