Who Can Be a Surrogate Mother in Georgia?

Gestational surrogacy is one of the modes to become parents for a few couples. However, finding a surrogate mother and knowing what to look into it while hiring is equally important. Surrogate mothers in Georiga a women who are locally based and mentally and physiologically healthy enough to carry a pregnancy successfully. Deciding upon that background is very important. In this blog moving forward, we will talk in detail about Who Can Be a Surrogate Mother in Georgia?


Additional Guides for Surrogacy in Georgia

Surrogacy in Georgia Country

What are the Starting Steps for Surrogacy Process in Georgia?

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Georgia Country

Surrogacy for Hetero Couples in Georgia Europe

You may choose to take part in the program by paying attention to the profile of women, who:

  • Doesn’t have any contagious diseases.
  • Women, who don’t smoke, consume alcohol or have any drug addiction.
  • Has a previous pregnancy – resulting in healthy births.
  • Doesn’t have pregnancy-related diabetes or pre-Eclampsia in the previous pregnancies.
  • Suitable for surrogacy socially and psychologically.
  • Any young and healthy woman with an ovary.
  • Don’t have chronic diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • Isn’t anorexic or obese.

Before selection, a criterion is required to follow like proper screening is done; while a health check is done to ensure you will get the entire process completed in a successful way.

How to Find Healthy Surrogate mothers in Georgia?

A convenient way to find a healthy surrogate is to find a surrogacy clinic in Georgia, where a database of the surrogate is kept maintained. Choosing the right professionals will always make it easy for you. They have access to both the means and the methods to make the entire process easier to follow. If you want to find someone you can trust, the selection of the right IVF clinics or the best surrogacy clinic in Georgia will be the right option. Go online and it will be better to find the top and recognized clinic. There are a number of big names in this domain, choose the right one, and get the treatment procedure done successfully.


Surrogate mother cost in Georgia


Requirements for Surrogate Mothers in Georgia:

In Georgia, surrogate mothers must meet specific legal criteria and qualifications to embark on a surrogacy journey. These requirements are meticulously designed to safeguard the well-being of all parties involved and uphold the ethical and legal integrity of the process.

  • Legal Criteria:
    Surrogacy arrangements in Georgia adhere to the country’s laws and regulations.
    Both surrogate mothers and intended parents must fulfill legal prerequisites, including residency mandates and age specifications.
    All involved parties undergo thorough legal counseling to fully comprehend the implications and responsibilities outlined in the surrogacy agreement.
  • Age and Health Specifications:
    Surrogate mothers typically fall within the age range of 21 to 38 years old in Georgia.
    They must have previously given birth to at least one child and experienced a complication-free pregnancy and delivery.
    Comprehensive medical screenings ensure surrogate mothers are in optimal physical and mental health, devoid of any conditions that could pose risks during pregnancy.
  • Psychological Assessments and Screening:
    Surrogate mothers undergo psychological evaluations to assess emotional stability, motivations, and readiness for the surrogacy journey.
    These evaluations identify potential risks and ascertain the surrogate’s mental preparedness.
    Background checks and screenings confirm that surrogate mothers adhere to ethical and legal standards.

Additional Criteria:
Surrogate mothers must maintain a stable living environment and possess a supportive family network.
Financial stability and adequate health insurance coverage may be required.
Some agencies or clinics stipulate additional criteria, such as minimum body mass index (BMI) or restrictions on certain lifestyle factors like smoking or drug use.

Intended parents collaborate with reputable surrogacy agencies or clinics that rigorously screen and evaluate potential surrogate mothers. These stringent requirements prioritize the health and safety of all parties involved while mitigating potential risks and complications throughout the surrogacy journey.

What Will Be the Cost of Surrogacy in Georgia?

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Georgia Country


The cost of surrogacy in Georgia will be affordable and go well under your budget if you compare the cost to other nations, where it is legally allowed. According to the available plans, the overall cost will be around $60,000 for an assured or guaranteed program. The actual surrogacy cost in Georiga will be depending on the services and clinic you use.  In case you need, egg donor and PGD services, the cost is added on top of the standard plan, which is around $35,000.

Understanding Surrogacy Costs in Georgia

For those considering surrogacy as a path to parenthood, grasping the intricacies of surrogacy costs in Georgia is paramount. The expenses associated with surrogacy can vary based on several factors. Here’s a breakdown of the typical components:

1. Surrogacy Agency Fees
2. Surrogate Mother Compensation
3. Egg Donor Compensation (if needed)
4. IVF and Medical Expenses
5. Legal Fees
6. Travel and Accommodation Costs
7. Medical Insurance for the Surrogate
8. Miscellaneous Expenses

More Resources to Read:

Guaranteed Surrogacy in Georgia

How Does Gestational Surrogacy Work in Georgia? Step-by-step Guidance

Surrogacy Cost in Georgia

Surrogate Mother Cost in Georgia

Breaking Down Surrogacy Costs in Georgia

The breakdown of surrogate mother costs in Georgia encompasses various elements, each playing a significant role in the overall expenses:

1. Surrogacy Agency Fees: Intended parents often collaborate with surrogacy agencies, which may charge for services like advertising, screening, and matching. In Georgia, these fees typically range between $5,000 to $10,000.

2. Surrogate Mother Compensation: Compensation for surrogates covers pregnancy-related expenses and additional payments. In Georgia, surrogates are generally compensated around $20,000 to $35,000.

3. Egg Donor Compensation (if needed): If an egg donor is necessary, their compensation typically falls between $3,000 to $5,000 in Georgia.

4. IVF and Medical Expenses: Costs associated with IVF, embryo transfer, prenatal care, and delivery can accumulate to $5,000 to $10,000, depending on the clinic.

5. Legal Fees: Legal representation is essential for handling contracts and parentage issues, with fees ranging from $2,000 to $5,000.

6. Travel and Accommodation: Intended parents may incur travel and accommodation expenses if they need to journey to Georgia, totaling around $1,000 to $3,000.

7. Miscellaneous Expenses: Additional costs such as counseling and administrative fees may range from $1,000 to $3,000.

Overall, the total cost of surrogacy for intended parents from Western countries, arranging it through agencies in Georgia, typically falls between $50,000 to $70,000. This investment signifies a significant commitment towards building a family.

A birth certificate is also used with the name of the intended parents. No surrogate mother consent is needed and the commissioning parents are legal parents from the day of conception.

Georgia Surrogacy Agency – A Recognized Clinic for Successfully Surrogacy

Georgia Surrogacy Agency is a surrogacy consulting service in Georgia, with more than 11 years of experience and a team of a strong team of professionals who are happy to help the would-be intended parents. Here, you will get attractive plans that are designed by keeping in mind keeping your specific needs and situations. You can also join counseling sessions which will be another key point. The counseling session is arranged to clear your doubts. It will be one of the best options to fulfill your dreams of parenting in a legal way.  If you are looking for affordable yet secure surrogacy in Europe, get in touch with us, we are happy to help.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at Complete Surrogacy. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families. 

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions


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