Why is Surrogacy So Expensive

Why is Surrogacy So Expensive

Surrogacy is an incredible option for people who are unable to conceive naturally or carry a pregnancy to term. However, one thing that often surprises many individuals is the high cost associated with surrogacy. The expensive nature of surrogacy is attributed to various factors that contribute to the overall surrogacy fees and expenses.

Surrogacy involves a complex and highly specialized process that requires the expertise of professionals in various fields. From medical procedures to legal requirements, every step of the surrogacy journey comes with its own costs. The extensive support and care provided to both the surrogate and the intended parents also add to the overall expense.

Additional Resources To Read:

Surrogacy for LGBT Couples: Your Path to Parenthood

Cheapest Countries for Gay Surrogacy

Gay Surrogacy in USA

Best Countries for Surrogacy in 2024

Surrogacy agencies play a crucial role in facilitating the surrogacy process, from matching surrogates with intended parents to coordinating medical professionals and attorneys. This level of expertise and support comes at a price.

Key Takeaways:

  • Surrogacy is expensive due to the complex and specialized nature of the process.
  • The cost is influenced by various factors such as medical procedures, legal requirements, and agency fees.
  • Surrogacy agencies provide valuable support and coordination, contributing to the high cost.
  • It is possible to find low cost surrogacy arrangement internationally. Consult a reputed surrogacy professional to know what surrogacy countries offer legal yet affordable surrogacy. 

What Is the Average Cost of Surrogacy in the US

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost

Factors Affecting Surrogacy Cost

The average cost of surrogacy in the US can vary significantly and typically ranges from $100,000 to $250,000. Multiple factors contribute to the overall cost, including agency fees, surrogate compensation, medical expenses, legal fees, insurance coverage, and additional costs.

Surrogacy agency rates play a significant role in the overall cost. These fees cover the services provided by surrogacy agencies, such as the screening and matching of surrogates with intended parents. On average, agency fees range from $15,000 to $30,000.

Gestational carrier expenses, including surrogate compensation, also impact the cost. Surrogate compensation varies based on the location and experience of the surrogate. Compensation typically falls between $30,000 and $60,000, with additional compensation for surrogates carrying multiples or undergoing a cesarean delivery.

Medical expenses constitute a substantial portion of the surrogacy cost breakdownThese expenses include fertility tests and treatments, embryo creation, egg donation, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and prenatal care for the surrogate. Depending on specific circumstances, medical expenses can range from $10,000 to $35,000 or more.

Legal fees are another crucial aspect of surrogacy cost. These fees cover the drafting of surrogacy contracts and the arrangement of legal custody. Depending on the complexity of the legal process, fees typically range from $5,000 to $15,000.

Surrogacy insurance coverage varies, with most health insurance plans excluding coverage for surrogacy-related expenses. Intended parents may need to cover the premiums and deductibles for the surrogate’s insurance or purchase separate insurance for the surrogate, adding to the overall cost.

Additional costs can include travel expenses, psychological support, counseling services, and any unforeseen medical or postpartum complications, further impacting the surrogacy cost.

Surrogacy Cost Breakdown Average Cost Range in the USA
Agency Fees $15,000 – $30,000
Surrogate Compensation $30,000 – $60,000
Medical Expenses $10,000 – $35,000+
Legal Fees $5,000 – $15,000
Insurance Coverage Varies
Additional Costs Varies

Surrogacy Cost with the Breakdown


Understanding the breakdown of surrogacy costs is essential for intended parents considering this option. Surrogacy costs can be divided into different categories, which include medical expenses, surrogate compensation, agency fees, legal fees, and additional costs.

Detailed Breakdown of Surrogacy Costs

Medical Expenses: Medical expenses constitute a significant portion of surrogacy costs. They encompass a range of procedures and services, such as fertility tests and treatments, embryo creation, in vitro fertilization (IVF), prenatal care for the surrogate, and hospital costs for labor and delivery.

Surrogate Compensation: Surrogate compensation includes the base compensation paid to the surrogate for her dedication and commitment to the surrogacy journey. The amount of compensation can vary based on factors such as the surrogate’s experience, location, and whether she is carrying multiples.

Agency Fees: Surrogacy agencies play a vital role in facilitating the surrogacy process. Agency fees cover essential services provided by the agency, such as screening and matching surrogates with intended parents, counseling services, and coordination between medical professionals and attorneys.

Legal Fees: Legal fees are incurred throughout the surrogacy process to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and establish comprehensive surrogacy contracts. These fees cover the drafting of surrogacy contracts, addressing parental rights and responsibilities, and ensuring the legal framework is in place to protect all parties involved.

Additional Costs: Additional costs may arise during the surrogacy journey and can include travel expenses, psychological support, counseling services, and unforeseen medical or postpartum complications. These costs vary depending on individual circumstances and needs.

To provide a visual representation of these cost breakdowns, refer to the table below:

Category Description
Medical Expenses Includes fertility tests and treatments, IVF, prenatal care, hospital costs
Surrogate Compensation Base compensation for the surrogate
Agency Fees Services provided by surrogacy agencies
Legal Fees Costs associated with drafting surrogacy contracts and ensuring legal compliance
Additional Costs Travel expenses, psychological support, counseling services, unforeseen complications

By understanding the breakdown of surrogacy costs, intended parents can gain clarity and make informed decisions about their surrogacy journey. It is important to consult with experienced professionals and surrogacy agencies to obtain accurate cost estimates and plan for the financial aspects of surrogacy.

How to Reduce Surrogacy Cost

If you’re considering surrogacy but worried about the cost, there are several strategies you can explore to make it more affordable. By implementing these cost-saving tips and considering alternative options, you can reduce the financial burden of surrogacy and make your dream of starting or expanding your family a reality.

Here are some effective ways to reduce surrogacy cost:

  1. Consider surrogacy with a friend or family member: Exploring the option of having a close friend or family member serve as the surrogate can significantly reduce expenses. This arrangement may eliminate or reduce agency fees and surrogate compensation, making the overall cost more manageable.
  2. Work with a reputable surrogacy agency: Partnering with a reputable surrogacy agency can help navigate the surrogacy process more efficiently and potentially negotiate lower fees. These agencies have established relationships with healthcare professionals, legal experts, and other service providers, making the process more streamlined and cost-effective.
  3. Compare prices and services: Take the time to research and compare the prices and services offered by different surrogacy agencies. Look for agencies that offer competitive pricing without compromising the quality of care and support provided throughout the surrogacy journey. This comparison can help you find more affordable options tailored to your specific needs.
  4. Look for grants, scholarships, or financing options: Explore grants, scholarships, and financing options specifically designed to assist with the cost of surrogacy. Many organizations and financial institutions offer programs to support intended parents in their surrogacy journey. These resources can help make the financial aspect more manageable.
  5. Opt for surrogacy abroad:  Best countries for surrogacy is possible if you do little bit of research and consult a reputed and experienced surrogacy professional.  Legal countries for surrogacy like Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Georgia, and Ukraine offer cheap surrogacy with 70% cost than US. 

It is important to note that while reducing surrogacy cost is essential, it is equally crucial to prioritize the well-being and support provided to all parties involved in the surrogacy process. Evaluate your options carefully and ensure that any cost-saving measures align with the needs and best interests of the surrogate, intended parents, and future child.

By considering these cost-saving tips and exploring affordable surrogacy options, you can take steps towards making surrogacy a more viable and accessible choice for building your family.

Why Surrogacy Is So Expensive

Cost of surrogacy in Georgia

Surrogacy is an intricate and multi-faceted process that involves various professionals and services, all of which contribute to its high cost. The extensive medical procedures, legal requirements, and the complex support and care provided to all parties involved contribute to the overall expense of surrogacy. The limited supply of qualified and willing surrogates also drives up the cost, as there is a high demand for surrogacy services. Surrogacy agencies play a crucial role in facilitating the surrogacy process and ensuring the well-being of surrogate mothers and intended parents, which adds to the cost. The high cost of surrogacy reflects the expertise, support, and care provided throughout the surrogacy journey, as well as the value placed on creating families through this method.


  1. The extensive medical procedures involved, such as fertility tests and treatments, embryo creation, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and prenatal care for the surrogate.
  2. The legal requirements and the need for legal expertise to draft surrogacy contracts, address parental rights and responsibilities, and ensure compliance with state and federal laws.
  3. The complex support and care provided by surrogacy agencies, including matching surrogates with intended parents, screening and counseling services, and coordination between medical professionals and attorneys.
  4. The limited supply of qualified and willing surrogates, which results in higher compensation for their valuable services.

All of these factors contribute to the expensive nature of the surrogacy process, making it a financial challenge for many intended parents. Despite the high cost, surrogacy provides a valuable opportunity for individuals and couples to build their families and experience the joy of parenthood.

Additional Resources to Read:

What is commercial surrogacy?

What are the Requirements of Surrogacy

IVF vs IUI: Comparing Fertility Treatment Options

Choosing the Right Surrogacy Professional: Tips

International Surrogacy Countries – Cheap and Affordable Options

Here is table for cheapest countries for surrogacy:

Country Regulation & Organization Who are allowed to participate Surrogacy Cost Legal Assurance
Colombia Altruistic  Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Affordable


Mexico Altruistic  Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Affordable

$70,000 to $80,000

USA Commercial Singles, gay couples, hetero couples Costly


Ukraine Commercial Hetero couples Affordable


Georgia Commercial Hetero couples Affordable


Greece Altruistic  Hetero couples and single women Affordable




For intended parents looking for more affordable surrogacy options, there are several countries that offer lower costs compared to the United States. India, Mexico, and Ukraine, in particular, are popular destinations for international surrogacy due to their cost advantages.

These countries have well-established surrogacy industries and legal frameworks that allow for international surrogacy arrangements. This makes it possible for intended parents to explore surrogacy options that are both affordable and legally compliant.

However, before pursuing surrogacy abroad, it is crucial for intended parents to thoroughly research and consider the legal, ethical, and logistical aspects of international surrogacy. Working with reputable agencies or professionals experienced in international surrogacy is highly recommended to ensure a safe and legally compliant process.

If you’d like to learn more about IVF, Egg Donation, or surrogacy services globally, check out the rest of our website at  Georgia Surrogacy Agency. We offer legally secure and affordable surrogacy consulting services for FREE.

Our team has over 14 years of experience facilitating surrogacy arrangements, egg donation, and serving as an advocacy resource for infertile couples and LGBTQ individuals seeking to build families. 

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- IVF Conceptions.

For more resources on IVF and Surrogacy, browse our other web page- Complete Surrogacy.

More reference:





Why is surrogacy so expensive?

Surrogacy is a complex process that involves various professionals and services, including medical procedures, legal requirements, and extensive support and care for all parties involved. These factors contribute to the overall cost of surrogacy.

What is the average cost of surrogacy in the US?

The average cost of surrogacy in the US ranges from $100,000 to $250,000, depending on factors such as location, agency fees, surrogate compensation, medical expenses, legal fees, and additional costs.

What factors affect the cost of surrogacy?

The cost of surrogacy can be influenced by various factors, including agency fees, surrogate compensation, medical expenses, legal fees, insurance coverage, and additional costs such as travel expenses and counseling services.

Can you provide a detailed breakdown of surrogacy costs?

Sure! Surrogacy costs can be broken down into different categories, including medical expenses, surrogate compensation, agency fees, legal fees, and additional costs such as travel expenses and psychological support.

How can I reduce the cost of surrogacy?

There are several strategies to consider, such as exploring surrogacy with a friend or family member, working with a reputable surrogacy agency to negotiate lower fees, comparing prices and services offered by different agencies, and seeking financial assistance through grants or financing options.

Why is surrogacy so expensive?

Surrogacy involves complicated medical procedures, legal requirements, and comprehensive support and care for all parties involved, which contribute to the high cost. Additionally, the limited supply of qualified surrogates and the high demand for surrogacy services also drive up the expenses.

Which countries offer cheap and affordable surrogacy options?

Countries such as India, Mexico, and Ukraine are known for their lower surrogacy costs compared to the United States. However, it’s important to thoroughly research the legal and logistical aspects of pursuing surrogacy abroad and seek assistance from reputable agencies or professionals experienced in international surrogacy.


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